23 September 2012

I'll Be Home...

Yes, I am listening to Christmas music. And yes. I am not ashamed of the "earliness" of its re-entry into my life. I guess it would be good to note that I only listen to it at night... it just helps me sleep, you know?
It is like the comfort of home without leaving your small apartment and fleeing the state for the more desirable coastal weather.

Well, it has been a little over a month since my last update and as such I feel as though I have enough to tell to give a fair read on what I have been up to.
As to a cliffhanger I left in my last post, I was able to get into the acting class that I wanted and definitely feel as though I am treading water but that is simply because there is so much to learn! About acting and also about myself in general. I have heard many talking of midterms and such tests already and I find myself more than happy to be "tested" daily through our acting exercises and our short, almost improv, performances.
I am absolutely loving it! I hope my growth shows by the end of the semester.

I went on a date! With Johnny, any date is a good date but it didn't make this one any less fun. :) We went to BYU's dance production called EviDance (ha) and it was AMAZING! It made me proud to be a dancer in training. And of course, Johnny being the excellent and excitable dancer that he is, was so completely enthralled by the end that he seemed to dance every where we went for the rest of the night. I made the unfortunate mistake of wearing heels on this date and couldn't seem to keep up. But he being the gentleman that he is let me have a moment of dance while also carrying me a few feet in the direction of my home.
All that happened after we had indulged in some ice cream (so delicious!) with our friends Tanner and Tasha. Of course pictures were taken and we all (at least seemed to) enjoyed ourselves. (Something about that sentence doesn't read right but I can't seem to pinpoint it at the moment...)
Anyway! Great fun, great fun and I have the pleasure of looking forward to another outing this next weekend.

My biggest project this week, however, is definitely finding sponsors for Miss Utah USA. No joke. If I can get the needed funds ($1200) then I, Cassidy, will be in a beauty pageant. Seems odd, I know, but it will be a great experience one way or another and will lead to scholarships which I desperately need.
On top of it being good for scholarships, it seems to be prodding me along in my health... this last week I took up various exercises and the plan this week is to incorporate a couple days of running. I slacked off tonight, but I've also made a rule to not eat after 10 PM. (I'm sorry, chips, salsa and blogging just all seem to go together....)

Chances are I will blog next Sunday as well seeing as so much could happen potentially by the end of this week... like possibly meeting a brand new baby Fletcher or something like that... :)
Hope you weeks are filled with fun and good health!


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