13 September 2011

Of Hoods and Family

As I may or may not have mentioned before, I'll be acting in a play starting this week and I am so very excited. My last few weeks have been crammed full of memorization and mental preparation to take on the task of playing the Lady Marian. Leaving the house around 6 each night (most of the time right before my dad gets home from work) and not getting back home until no later than 9 it has been quite the grueling time and yes, taxing on the nerves and my sleep system.
And me, being the rather self-absorbed person that I am, felt that only I was being tried by the brevity of the time I've been able to spend with my family at the dinner table (our tradition being to eat dinner as a family with no other distractions that the food set between us :]) and so didn't give much thought beyond "I wonder if they'll save enough for me!"
The other evening right before I left for yet another play practice, my youngest sister gave me a rather disappointed look and remarked on how I never have dinner with the family anymore. D:
I told her that it did seem that way but that in a few short weeks I would be done with this production and will be done with the theater of Brookings for at least a few months (depending on when and if I go back to school this winter). However, this simple statement from her made me stop and realize how off it must make the whole family as well when dinner is ready and all are gathered but I'm not there. Sure, this might not be as a big a deal when I'm at college because it will be natural (or as natural as not having the siblings you've grown up with living at home with you can be) but when one seems to be more like a tenant than an actual member of the family, it gives one reason to pause.
It really does make me thankful for how they DO leave "enough" food for me, and even prepare a plate (last night, they even set the salad in a different dish so I could reheat the meat and potatoes) and the fact that my parents don't really complain anymore when I take my leave towards Harbor (instead wishing me a good time and luck when needed). The fact that my siblings care (and aren't afraid to show it) is something that I often take for granted. But then, all I have to do is sit quietly and listen to those around me and I realize I have it pretty good. Pretty darn good even.
Although I am ready to be on my own, I will always remember and hold dear to my heart the times my family has supported me in endeavors that I find diverting and that, even, help my to grow as a person and (maybe even) as an actress! Crazy stuff, really. So, remember kids, count your blessings! :)
<3 Cas

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