30 October 2011


So, guess what?! That's right, I'm finally returning to Provo to continue my schooling at that most exciting college, BYU.
So this is how it happened:
One Wednesday, a month and an half or so ago, I made up my mind that I would plot out an hypothetical budget for the money I foresaw myself having in my bank account by the end of the month (of October) and convince my parents how very serious I was about returning to Utah to attend school in the Winter Semester I had been graciously re-accepted into. I figured the amount I would set aside for the gas money to get there (and get whomever drove me, whether it be my parents or otherwise, home) and reminded them that, although I had budgeted out my money to spending every last cent of it, it was an illustration of what would happen if I were jobless over the ensuing months (which, obviously, is not an option).
Apparently, they had been giving my return to school a great deal of thought that past week as well (which probably shouldn't surprise me at all, because they are my parents) and had come up with the decision that if I were to give school my whole focus along with looking for a steady job, that they would cover my rent for the first handful of months. I couldn't have asked for a better offer and after they let me in on the fact that I wouldn't be forced to pay for the gas money but rather a meal or two while we are on the road... well, let's just say I'm feeling a lot more financially secure for this go around.
Well, a month+ has passed since then and I have already secured myself a place to stay and done all the appropriate things as far as deposits and contracts go and simply have to pay the requested amount this Tuesday which is incidentally an exact week before Mom, Dad and I will find ourselves on the long drive between Brookings and Provo. I had my last day of work on Friday and now simply need to pack up my things and make sure I have all I need to be set and ready to hunt up a job.
So, as it stands, I'm extremely excited and ready to return to Provo even though the timing means I will not be able to come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. So needless to say, it will be an interesting experience, these next few months, but I've prepared myself to the point of being almost TOO prepared, I daresay, even though you can never be too prepared for college.
Aside from my excitement for the adventures ahead, I thought it also a point of interest to say that I'm hooked on the Vampire Diaries. It's true.
Oh!! And of course, I got my hairs cut recently and have a feeling I will probably make one more appointment before I leave... either that, or start asking for references for good hairdressers in Utah. With such short hair, it takes quite a bit more upkeep than I'm used to, so for the sake of my college funds, etc, I'll probably start growing it out again... which sucks but then again, it's my hair and I do what I want. ;D

Take care until next time! And I feel I will probably be writing a lot more of these upon my return to Ootah for the sake of the people back home. :) Ciao!


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