27 November 2011

Long Overdue....

So yes, I realize I probably should have posted after my first week of being out here in Provo alas, here I am two and a half weeks later and writing to you!
Needless to say it is freezing over here and I feel almost slightly ridiculous bundled to the nine while everyone else (who have already acclimated, by the way) walk around in flip flops at the smallest hint of sunshine. Crazy people. Anyway, I have already put the boots my parents lovingly bought for me from Cabela's (hey, they actually have some pretty cute footwear there) and find that my feet are the warmest part of me whenever I wear them. I suppose it's a start. :)
Before you ask, I have been on a few unofficially official dates and have already made some great friends that I hope will continue to get better acquainted with at the turn of the semester. No, I am not married yet. Don't hold your breaths because it's not happening. :)
I've been looking for jobs quite diligently and have planned a tentative class schedule. I've decided though that the job will come first and will hopefully be able to put the classes I need/want (surprisingly, they are often the same thing this semester) around whatever work schedule I can get my hands on before the start of the semester.
In all honesty, I forgot just how dry my skin gets here in the desert and thus my lotion is being put to good use. I even invested in a legitimate chap-stick that will actually keep my lips from chapping. Hurray for Blistex!
Moving on... I have finally gotten the chance to check in with Jared and Keith (aka, my two brothers out here) and thus know where to find them if I need someone to beat up some punk. Just kidding. But just in case, you know? :D
So as far as living conditions go, the living room and kitchen can be kept to a very comfortable temperature! That is, as long as we don't mind freezing in our bedrooms. Tonight I'll probably even bust out my two last blankets in hopes that I will be warm enough come morning that I'll actually be able to get up on time. I feel like a bear, currently, in the way a bear's body tells it to hibernate when it's cold. Not exactly the best way to go about getting one's body on a proper sleeping schedule.
Thanksgiving was nice. Ashley (Mangum) Fletcher's family invited me to join them this year. Needless to say, I wasn't alone for the holiday which is always reassuring. It also made it easier to be thankful that I am, indeed, back out here in Utah and hopefully I will be able to keep an optimistic outlook on all that I need to accomplish out here to be successful this time around. That said, I do miss the family but in the end it will be good for all of us. :) Plus, I don't want to be in the middle of Tom and Mik's race for their licenses and the product of having to share driving privileges with them. I figure Mom only needs two chauffeurs. ;D When did those two get so old, anyway? And Alex gearing up to start going to dances...? Sheesh.
Finally, for the sake of killing two birds with one stone, I will follow all this up with my Christmas Wish-list. :) Until next week!


Christmas Ideas
~black or white beanie
~socks :D
~mattress pad... you can kinda feel the springs in the twin I have currently v.v
~sturdy bag/backpack (black preferred)
~warm pajamas :D
~North and South BBC on DVD
~gift cards are great too
~black skirt
~belt- not a decorative one
~hoodie (preferred in neutral color- black or grey... white even)
~cute hair accessories since my hair is still short :D
~Nutella :))
~the sending of a few of my hot cocoa mugs would be very much appreciated <3
~It's a Wonderful Life on DVD
~Piano books are always appreciated as far as movies and ballads go...

I can't think of much else. Hopefully this will be enough to go off of. ;) I'm sure it's enough so if you want to you can easily surprise me. Go with your gut! :D <3 Love you all.

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