16 May 2012

Odd Weather

It has been a little while since my last blog so here I am once more.

I have hit a few ups and downs over the last couple months that were both unforeseen and non-interpretative. As some of my friends know, I ran into a boy I have known my whole life and, low and behold, we found a mutual attraction and began the crazy roller coaster of dating. My heart was soaring, my happiness seen to, and... my spiritual uplifting a little neglected. But, as I always do, I came around and began reading my scriptures and paying more attention to my prayers once more. This led me to ask the boy about his intentions toward my church (being inactive for the past few years) and after a rather painful and halting discussion we decided that it would be smarter to put "us" on hold until he finds his testimony or til it must be dropped because I find a better fit for myself.

So I find myself back in the dating circuit keeping my eyes peeled for the potentials that walk past my door.

However, I am finding happiness in other ways. Recently I have found a renewed desire to ride my bike at least once a day... I'm on my 3rd day and even rode my bike despite the threatening storm clouds overhead (it did not rain, by the way, but I imagined it did when I rode straight through a sprinkler...). I have also begun writing again in the wee hours of the night when sleep eludes me and my creative juices are inexplicably flowing.

I am trying again to read the standard works of Jane Austen and find myself in the midst of Sense and Sensibility (Willoughby has already left Marianne and everyone is wondering when he will come back).

Living in Utah during the summer is just about as weird as it is in the winter/spring. Yesterday it was hot as Hades and today, like I previously mentioned, it is greatly overcast and there is a cooler wind blowing through the shrubbery.

A couple weeks ago I went with a few people from my apartment complex (okay, more like 23 of them) and we went to a showing of the Avengers. Yes, I loved it. Yes, I nerd-ed out when I saw the preview for the Amazing Spiderman, and furthermore, I find the replacement actor much more attractive than Toby McGuire.

Unfortunately, a couple months back my feet started to hurt rather uncharacteristically. I pegged it on the fact that I was taking two dance courses and my feet were simply worn out. However over the last week or so, it would seem that at least my left foot is going through the pain once more. It's not unbearable, just a nuisance really but in a job where you are expected to be standing (I do custodial at the university's library) it isn't the most ideal situation. I'll just have to remember to rest it when possible and not go running anytime soon (haha!) although I do plan on playing capture the flag this Saturday... bring it on!

I really need to find a job that I can look forward to going to because lately, the closer it gets to six the more tired I feel and cringe at the thought of walking up the hill to campus to spend 3.5 hours alone in the annex cleaning the same area I clean Sunday through Thursday evening.

I must say that the only thing pulling me through this week is a date I look forward to on Friday. I gathered my wits and courage about me and asked one of the newer arrivals to Southridge and thank goodness he said yes. How else am I supposed to use a $10 gift card to Cold Stone and impress someone with my cooking skills? (XD) I think it will be good fun especially since he is game to help me with preparations for dinner. Good man.

Well, I am going to go prepare my fish for my tomorrow dinner. I am hoping it comes out better than the last fish I cooked... it's almost completely defrosted and I plan to let it sit in some select spices over night in the fridge. <3 Here goes nothing!

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