27 July 2012

Summer Showers Unexpectedly

Can two and a half months have flown by so quickly? I suppose in the ever-changing life of a 21 year old-- they are obligated to!
Of course I read through my last post and what to my wondering eyes would appear the beginning of my relationship that I'm no longer in! For any curious onlookers, yes, I ended up seriously dating Cold Stone Boy. We dated for a good 5 weeks. Alas, it was not meant to be and we parted rather congenially to say the least and the least I will say.
That aside, I have had the opportunity not once but twice to go home to my family in Oregon. The first trip was planned of course and I was able to spend some much needed down time with the family back home, not doing much of anything but living with them as I did about eight and a half months ago. The second time I was able to get out there was more or less on the complete whim of one of my most favorite cousins. She wanted to make sure to get out to Oregon to see her grandma (my great grandma) who is 90 before anything else happens. And so, seeing as it was either go alone with her two children on a 14+ hour car drive or suggest I come along with her, I was called up immediately, I got the time off and voila! I got to go see my family (at least the women and my father... I didn't get to see either of my brothers or my sister-in-law truth be told but I was glad of the excuse to see them and get out of town for a little while).
There really isn't much else to tell about my little life here in Utah. School will be starting up here pretty soon and I will be taking the beginners French class at the Y. I am definitely looking forward to it and having something else to occupy my mind.
My old roommate will be moving back in pretty soon and so I will have at least one person to hang out with who is more readily available. I really have missed her over the last couple months.
My hair is also growing back although some days it seems to be taking its dear sweet time in doing so. But hopefully this time next year it will be a little pass my shoulders... here's to crazy wishes that may come true, right?
Well, I shall try to remember to write again next week seeing as I seem to have more time on my hands throughout the day that I could be utilizing. Take care!

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