29 August 2011

So basically, these are poems that I posted on facebook. Some of them have a little extra explanation to them that was put there the day I posted them and I decided that I would leave the extra stuff there. Uhm... and yes, this does mean from time to time I'll post poems I've put together myself-- you might be seeing a lot of poetry so I can catch up on putting it up... you might not. ;P
P.S. the ones with the * by the title are my personal favorites.

Growing Up is Hard

Do you care what's on my mind?
Or is it too hard to glance behind?
Would it be a waste of your time?
Or shall I stay silent like a mime?

I'm still growing up so can't you understand?
I hate that I'm always at your command
It's not right, it's not fair
For it seems without you I can't go anywhere

Doesn't my vote count?
Or is it not even tantamount
To your opinions and decisions
That all add up to indecisions?

I'm choking
I'm drowing
You're smoking
You're scowling

How can I decide who I want to be?
Need to be?
Live to be?
If you're not willing to set me free?

I love you, with all my heart
But you seem determined to rip me apart
I don't even know where to start
Or even if my choice will be the one that's smart

I am tired now
I am coughing now
I am blinded now
I am muted now

Is this what you meant for me to be?
Something as impossible as a dammed sea?
If not, then set me free
So I can be who I was born to be


You know what's pathetic?
When you totally loathe the existence of a person and what you allowed them to do to you and what you still allow them to do to you and then get upset and mad at them because they're still there but no longer a part of your life? That's what this poem is dedicated to: those people that come into your life, mess it up, but leave you a better and stronger person for it in the long run.

Life Has Begun

Haunting my dreams with your face
Flashes of memory that can't have a place
I wonder why I'm left to chase
Feelings that I can't erase

Promises made, promises kept
Promises broken, heart bereft
You stole from me what once I thought
Was too sweet to waste or to be bought

But now I stand
Walking through sand
Trying my hand
At a one-man band

My heart is shattered
The rain is splattered
My soul is tattered
How could you have mattered?

A new day has come
And I'm still alone
But I'll cry no more
Though my heart be sore

You stole the best of me
And gave me something better
Strength to see
That I do matter!

The bittersweet irony that plays through my life
Is that I had to be broken and drug through strife
Before I could breathe
And see with clear sight

Now, I hope for the best
For both of us
Maybe someday you'll know
The power behind a woman's trust

Yep. So I was sitting in my bedroom not being able to write my stories and decided I would try a poem... it might be used in my story later... we'll see. xD

* Left to Dream
Sitting on my bed, thoughts running through my head
Listening to my fav'rite tunes on chilly afternoons
The colors are dim, shadows smooth and slim
Where are you now, I contemplate, and how
Often you've seemed to walk into what I've dreamed
Sound becomes jumbled while vision has crumbled
What fate prompts us to decide too late?
You could've been, would've been,
You should've been
But now what could've been, would've been, should've been
Is no longer possible
And we are left to dream

Oct. 7th 2010

Dear One

My heart aches, my dear one
My arms ache, oh near one
Please come, my tear'd one
I'll listen, my sheered one

Hope is there, my dear one
Love is close, my near one
Hearts are tried, my tear'd one
Arms stretched out, my sheered one

Words seem hollow, my dear one
Tough to swallow, my near one
Listen close, my tear'd one
I'll be here, my sheered one

There are others, my dear one
Stronger than I, my near one
You can feel it, my tear'd one
With your spirit, my sheered one

As in all my poetry, it's rough but I feel to go through it too much would suck the energy of the moment out of it, destroying the passion put into the words, keeping them from being over-thought or trying to invoke emotions of others for the sake of making them feel what you have felt. I'd rather let my poems speak to whomever has a willing ear or an experience such as the ones I put into prose.

Here are the two things said this evening that inspired my mood (along with other things) and following them is the poem:
I just find it funny how you don't have to say a name or even think about it really. Just the essence of it can make you smile and warm you to the very core.
She wants it to pour so that she can run outside without socks or shoes, without a rain coat, but mayhap an umbrella and dance away the evening.

* Alone No More
Rain is falling all around
It's refreshing the earth with its beautiful sound
Its essence is cool
But within me is warmed

With bare feet and a tee
I rush out with an umbrella with me
Down by my side
It is simply a companion

The rain touches my fevered skin
And slowly a dance commences, begins
A pirouette to the right
A reach to the left

It's silent but for the rain
It seems to wash away the stain
Love of past
Hope of future

No name comes to mind
Just a trace of essence left behind
Umbrella swings upward
My free hand down

Warmth surrounds my hand
The one encircled with the umbrella's band
A smile of care
A haloed face

The umbrella is removed
The heart races, the loss approved
Filled with light
A partner have I

One Two Three
And suddenly the rain cries... happy
He apologizes
I accept

Never more alone
As we dance upon the cool wet stone
Hearts sing
Mouths smile

Feb. 8th 2010

So basically, friends are amazing.
I'm so thankful I got the opportunity to say good bye to those of you who really care about me and my general welfare. I'm glad to have known a good deal of you, and although some experiences weren't as pleasant as others, I believe that everyone has helped me to grow and change for the better.


From now to the end
We'll always be friends
Keep me in your heart
For I will remember forever
The times we shared together
And hope that you do too
My love for you
Will always stay true
Forgive me for being corny

* The Plunge
A fork in my road
Rises under the sky
As I stand in thought
And people walk by

What does the way
Hold for me?

Behind me I leave
My family and friends
Ahead I see nothing but
Secret and bends

Are there people who
Will love me?

I stand petrified
In fear of the unknown
Anxious and nervous
Now oftener shown

I take a deep breath
For the plunge...

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