25 July 2011

Happy Birthdays and All That Jazz!

So... first on the agenda: Happy Birthday to Benjamin! It's actually tomorrow buuuut seeing as I have work and a play audition tomorrow evening so... I wanted to make sure I did not miss it. Because I'm just the awesome. Just kidding, but really. Is true. ;)
Today was my one and only day off (aside from Sunday of course) for the week. I was hoping that it would be sunny and warm so that I could throw the windows in my room wide open and let it all soak in while I wrote on my laptop...! Alas. True to Brookings, it was overcast for the majority of the day and you could just taste the possibility of rain. Did it rain? No, of course it didn't. It was just cold...
Nevertheless! I did get quite a bit of writing done on two my stories! I'm so proud. :) Granted I meant to do some research as to my college stuff (I'll probably send out a couple emails about it to people I know who live in Provo) but I procrastinated again and so it didn't happen. You know what though? I am going to get SO much done tomorrow! After work, straight after it (you can even question me just to make sure) I will be calling the Stake President (or rather his secretary) and schedule an appointment to meet with him this weekend to wrap up my re-application to the Y and other such things that are important at this time in my life. :) It's going to be an interesting experience because I usually am pretty close with my Stake Presidents but I've only met this guy once and seen him maybe three times... in the same weekend. So... wish me luck! :D
Well... as eventful as this post is, I'm going to sign off and try and burn Michael Buble to my laptop... again. Darn disc player is ornery and picks and chooses which cds or dvds it wants to read and when... someone help me. ;P
Well, goodnight! And Happy Birthday to anyone else out there who might be reading this. Even you extraterrestrials. <3

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