09 July 2011

Learning to Dance in the Rain

A friend once shared the following quote with me: "Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain." He shared a lot of such snippets with me seeing as I complained to him an awful lot.
Now that he is serving a mission for the Church I don't really hear from him anymore. But that doesn't mean the advice he gave me doesn't still ring true.
Lately I feel as though I've been just barely hanging on, treading water, if you will. Part of it is my sleeping pattern, I'm sure. No matter how tired I am, I can't seem to get to bed before 11 at the earliest each night. This, coupled with my Tuesday through Friday work schedule that asks me to be awake and getting ready by 5:30, 6 at the latest, doesn't exactly add up to a healthy amount of sleep for any young woman (or probably even young man for that matter).
So, sleep aside, I've already mentioned my morning. 7:00 (or 6:45 on Fridays) is when my work day starts and it ends at just about 2:30 each afternoon. I'm currently a part of the Young Women's Presidency in my ward and thus am usually found at our Mutual night on Wednesdays at 7 more often than not.
Just to add a little more craziness on top of my family time, I've been rehearsing for my community's showing of Lady Pirates of the Caribbean and have recently auditioned for and gotten a minor role for My Fair Lady. That puts me at practice 6 times a week (Mon-Thurs, and two separate practices on Saturday).
I feel as though I'm falling short in some areas but no one, not even my parents, have said it's too much or that I am falling short in one place or another. I suppose it's good practice for when I return to college. But I don't want to feel inadequate, you know?
However, through all of this building stress, I've also seen me sitting in one place. I'm "waiting for the storm to pass". Not the best plan, apparently. So, what am I to do? Do I give up something? Do I throw in the towel? No.
I guess the smart thing to do is to turn to Heavenly Father. You know? Do what I can do, give it my all, put my priorities in the right place and face them head on and then pray that He will make up for my shortcomings, whatever they may be.
So, here's to the end of a rough week! And here's to the fresh beginning that dawns each and every Sunday morning!
Welcome, welcome, Sabbath Morning.
Now we rest from every care.
Welcome, welcome is thy dawning,
Holy Sabbath Day of prayer.
-Hymns (don't have a legit reference...)

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