10 July 2011

Of Pirates, Chocolate Chip Pancakes and God

So, last night I was able to get all decked out in my pirate attire from the upcoming musical and go to a preview of the music for the community. It went really well and I was actually able to look pretty in all my pirate-y-ness. It made me really excited for opening night which, by the way, is in about a week and an half!! Crazy! I can't believe it's almost here. I feel pretty ready for it but I'm not sure about the rest of the cast. I guess I'll just have to have a little faith that they'll really study out their parts this weekend.

Afterward, I hit up the movie store and picked out a handful of movies for the siblings and I to watch this next week. We already watched one (Step Up) and look forward (or at least I do) to watching the following: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, the Music Man, the Sound of Music, Sydney White (not sure about this one for the kids... I'll preview it first), and the King and I. Yes, I do realize the majority of these are musicals but, what can I say? I do love a good musical and I know for a fact they're all good! :D
I also hit up Taco Bell after that and was able to get a few of the workers to say they would come. How fun that'll be if I actually see them there!
So, I said earlier the movies are for my siblings and I. Where are the parents you may ask? Well, they took off toward Seattle this afternoon for my dad's manager's meeting for Les Schwab. They'll be gone all week so it's "up to me" to take care of the kids... it's summer, I work Tues-Fri. Piece of cake? Pretty much... especially seeing as Mom wisely stocked the freezer with frozen goods. (She also included chicken breasts, ground turkey and such, so I will attempt to cook for the little rascals!)
The kids made breakfast for dinner today though (Mikkaila being awesome and deciding my job could be, solely, to do the dishes after we all ate). We saw some open chocolate chips in the cupboard so Mikkaila, being the little homemaker and chocolate lover herself, made the last six or so pancakes filled with chocolate chips! They were even better than the plain ones in my opinion but that is just my opinion.
Today was a wonderful day at church. To be perfectly honest (which I seem prone to be with a small audience such as I have- shout out to Emily V for following me :3) I'm really insecure about my standing in my Father's regard. I always feel that I'm missing something at church when my family share their thoughts and say before family prayer how thankful they are for this or that at church. Well, let me tell you, I didn't miss it today! The Young Women had an opportunity to share their recently grown testimonies since they have returned from Girl's Camp. Some were very sweet but didn't strike me as more than just something they pulled out of the hat to share. (Not to say it didn't touch someone else in the congregation, it just didn't strike a chord with me at the point where I am in life.) I can't not recall who it was, but a few of the girls stood up and shared what the theme of the camp was: I Am More.
Those three words are so empowering all by themselves. I am More. But when you couple that with a faith and knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father it translates into so many more things.
I Am More.
1. I am a daughter of a King.
2. I am more than just a person in the crowd.
3. I am more than just another child in my family.
4. I am an individual.
5. I have talents to share.
6. I have a heart full of love for those around me to tap.
7. I have a firm testimony of the Gospel of Christ.
8. I have a firm testimony that Joseph Smith Jr was the first prophet of this new dispensation.
9. I know my parents love me and support me.
10. I know my patience is tried so that I can become a better person.
11. I know it's my choice whether I give it my all or just give up.
12. I know He knows me.
13. I know He hears me.
14. I know He cares for me.
15. I know He won't leave me alone.
16. I know He sends angels.
17. I know She loves me too.
18. I am beautiful.
19. I am original.
20. I am more than what you see.

People have given up so much to see this Gospel through the last 100 or so years and now it is my turn. My turn to give up the cares of what the world sees me as. It's my choice where I place my energy. It's my responsibility to make sure I am where I need to be.
I've weathered the storm long enough. Now it's time to fight through it and reach the end of this leg of my mortal journey.
I may not know you. You know me a little better now. I love you. I pray that you feel that and understand that there will always be someone who loves you. I love you. He loves you.
It's your time to choose: how is your week going to go? Will you actively work toward sailing your ship through the troubling waves of adversity or will you be tossed and eventually crashed into the shore?


"And though I'm not yet as I would be, He has shown me how I could be. I will make my hands like those from Galilee."


  1. Yay! I have seen almost all of those movies(and love them!)In fact my family and I will be watching Seven Brides for Seven Brothers tonight! Haven't seen it in forever, so excited. :)
    Oh my gosh!! Your family cooks with ground turkey, too? Whoa... I thought my family was just weird. And I can totally relate to some of those other things you talked about like the sometimes "missing something" feeling and stuff. Thank you for making such lovely posts! I look forward to reading them! Have fun with the sibs!

  2. I will, Em, and thanks for the support :)) We can have weird families together. Haha!
